Influencer @MadamAndrews Tries Fearless Tape

Influencer & MAJOR style inspo @MadamAndrews (Karlee Andrews), tried Fearless Tape for the first time. Check out her review below and see what she thought!

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Fearless Tape: My Secret Weapon

Okay, real talk– Have you ever had a dress that falls open when you bend over to pick something up (like something your baby threw on the ground)? Do you hate it too when you roll the sleeves of your tee and like 5 seconds later they’re unrolled? Whelp, I have got you covered girrrrl. I’ve been using Fearless Tape and it has saved my life! There are things that I had quit wearing because I’d get so annoyed, but now that I started using Fearless Tape I’ve been wearing my faves again.

So, what the heck is it?

Fearless Tape is small, clear, double-sided tape that will change yo life, or at least change the way you dress. You think I’m being ridiculous but I’m not! Kiss your wardrobe malfunctions goodbye sista. The pack gives you dots & strips to fix those button-space spreading, oopsy open bust, and flappy belt moments. Because nobody has time for that! I also want to note that it holds strong, but it doesn’t irritate your skin or harm your clothing.


I used Fearless Tape on this dress in three spots. One dot in the center where both sides of the collar meet and one dot on each side of the color on my skin. It holds all day no problem.


I’ve seen it used for baby bows that are oversized, rolled cuffs on your pants, keeping bra straps in place… Honestly it’s the bomb!

I love it because it helps me to be fearless (no pun intended 😉 ) throughout my day because I know that my clothes will stay in place. It’s especially nice with a baby because Jo is always tugging on things. If you’re a mom I know you’ll understand!

Check out my Instagram stories for a little tutorial of how I use the tape!

You will definitely want to snag some Fearless Tape for yourself! The combo pack is sold on Amazon for only $10.99 and it will last you quite a while.

